Friday, June 13, 2008

2007 Minutes


President Jeffery Haig opened the annual meeting at 10:00a.m., June 2, 2007. The meeting was held at Jeff’s house.

Reading of the 2006 minutes was waived and a motion was made and accepted to approve the minutes.

The treasurer’s report was given by Doug Campbell. Christine Campbell, the treasurer, was at home recuperating from knee surgery.

Doug reported that the current balance is $7580.26. $2,517.50 was collected in dues in 2006. A motion was made and accepted to approve the treasurer’s report.

Doug Campbell gave the road report. It was noted that the road expenses are going up. Extra gravel was needed this year and the overall cost of materials and labor are increasing. It was recommended that dues for road maintenance be increased to $100 for 2007. The dues were $75 in 2006.

Mike Furlong gave the beach report. He began by noting how much Don Conlin would be missed. Don was instrumental in funding, maintaining, driving and taking care of the tractor. His service to the association will be missed. It was noted that the cost of maintaining, insuring and storing the tractor costs around $1000 a year. The last time the beach was raked was in 2003. Since that time the beach has not been big enough to warrant raking. He also reported that the city said they would do it for as little as $300 in the future if all rocks and branches were removed. He recommended we sell the tractor, save the $1000 in maintenance costs, drop the beach dues to $0, and use the proceeds in the future to pay someone to rake the beach. Doug Campbell suggested that Charlie Krumholz would be willing to help out. Rich Kenney said he also had experience in tractor operation and maintenance. After some discussion, it was decided to keep the tractor for another year since it would be very difficult to ever replace it. It was also noted that perhaps we could drop the cost of the insurance to liability only. A recommendation was made to keep the beach dues at $50 for another year to maintain the tractor and for the beach committee to report back in a year with another recommendation. The beach committee is Mike Furlong, Rich Kenney, Eric Miller and Brad Rubman.

A motion was made to set the general association dues at $0 since the treasury is quite healthy, set the road dues at $100 and the beach dues at $50. Checks should be made out to The Appletree Point Association and submitted to:
Christine Campbell
406 Appletree Pt. Rd.
Burlington, VT 05408

After a brief discussion, the 2007 members of the executive committee were presented as follows:
Jeff Haig, President
Chris Campbell, Treasurer
Nancy Furlong, Secretary
Rolf Eastman
Mike Furlong
Doug Campbell
A motion was made to reelect the current board, and Rich Kenney was newly elected. The motion was approved.

Jeff Haig reported on other business. He reported that he had been in touch with
Burlington Telecom and they should be in our neighborhood shortly. He plans to keep on top of this.

Jeff also reported that we had been asked if the association would like to be an “interested party” in the hearings related to the development of the Flynn estate property on Starr
Farm Road. There would be no cost to the association. A motion was made and approved attaching our name to the documents opposing any development.

Andrea and Rich Kenney offered to hold a social gathering for the association so
neighbors could get to know neighbors at an informal gathering. The date was set for August 26 at 4:00. It was suggested it be BYOB and a hors d’oeuvres to share. An invitation will be distributed at a later date.

Doug Campbell mentioned he is very interested in the history of Appletree Point. He would be happy to compile a history, if members would get him any records, stories, photos, etc about their homes.
Check out our website at

A motion was made and approved to adjourn at approximately 10:45am.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Furlong, Secretary