Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Minutes of 2017 Annual Meeting

Minutes of 2017 Annual Meeting

The Association held its 61st Annual Meeting on Thursday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m., kindly hosted by Kit Ardell at 195 Appletree Point Rd.

AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 7:24 pm
1. Secretary’s report (minutes available online at http://appletreepoint.blogspot.com)  Kit Ardell and Doug Campbell voted to approve the minutes as recorded.
2. Treasurer’s report
Chris Campbell read the treasury report. We have $10, 906.28 in the treasury.  The road people assess work needed to be down on the road and share in the expense.
3. Road report
The Senegals will fix the road after construction of the two new houses is completed. They will dispose of the asphalt pieces and improve the new section.
4. Beach committee report
                a) Proposed beach raking
Kit Ardell offered to work with Chris Reid if it is determined the beach needs york raking (with additional downward pressure) this year. The concern is the small cottonwood trees that are growing in the water. They cannot be easily pulled up by hand. If work is needed on the exposed beach and tree saplings, the board will either call, go to the affected beach houses, or email to let people know and to determine who is interested in intervention.
                b) Beach czar
Special mention was made of the passing of Rich Kenney our “beach czar”. Andy Kenney thanked the association for making a contribution in his name to the Lake Champlain Committee.
              c) The board suggested we continue to be respectful of our beach neighbors and remove the debris from the lake rather than push it back into the lake to drift elsewhere.
5. Dues Recommendations
The executive board recommended that no new dues are to be collected this year. A motion was made by Doug Campbell and seconded by Penny Coe to not collect dues.
6. Old Business
7. New business
             a) Bylaws vote
A motion was made to accept the by-law changes as proposed by the Board. Kit Ardell made the motion, Doug Campbell seconded and it was passed.
             b) Electricity changes
Burlington Electric will improve service along the dirt road to the junction box. They will join with Senegal to bury the electric line. Preliminary blueprints are on the website. Jeff will call the road people to meet with Burlington Electric.
             c) Appointment of a Beach Commissioner
Andy Kenney made motion to have two beach commissioners and Chris Campbell seconded. The two will be Kit Ardell and Chris Reid.
             d) Meeting in June in 2018 to get larger attendance.
Doug Campbell suggested we send a flyer and an email to everyone to attend meetings. If members cannot attend the meeting, we hope they will please share their input. We hope to continue to be a viable group of neighbors!           
8. Elections
Penny Coe made a motion to reelect the board and Crystal Eastman seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Current Board:
Jeff Haig: President
Amanda Reid: Vice President
Christine Campbell: Treasurer
Andy Kenney: Secretary
Kit Ardell: Board
Shanta Eastman: Board
Doug Campbell: Board