Monday, August 19, 2019

2019 Annual Meeting: Minutes

Annual Meeting of the Appletree Point Shoreowners Association
63rd Annual Meeting held on Sunday, August 11, 2019
Jeff Haig's house at 351 Appletree Point Road - 5:30 pm

 21 Members in attendance:
Liz and Eric Miller (327 Appletree Point Road), Nancy & Mike Furlong (271), Rolly Delfausse (195), Jamie & Jill Coffrin (275), Doug & Chris Campbell (406), Ty Danco (183), Carol Ode (229), Amanda & Chris Reed (420), Lars & Christine Larson (506), Al Senecal (465), Nicole Senecal (451), Ashok Eastman (398), Hank Warren (335), Jeff Haig (351) and Andy Kenney (175).

1. Secretary's report
 View the report from 2018 on our site

2. Treasurer's report
Christine Campbell reported that we have $9,397 in our joint beach and road account. This includes the remainder of the proceeds from the sale of the tractor, which will be used for future beach work.
3. Road report
Discussion followed on the needs of the dirt road. 2-3" aggregate (thickness) would be beneficial. Work done in the Spring after winter frost would be recommended. A motion was made and passed that Al Senecal and Chris Reed work together for a maintenance fix for the road.

4. Beach Committee report- Mike Furlong, Kit Ardell and Chris Reed
Discussion on whether to rake the whole beach again this summer or to let individual property owners decide if their beach needs cottonwood removed. A motion was made that "Association funds be used to rake the beach" It did not pass. Chris Reed, of the beach committee, offered to put flyers in individual owners’ mail boxes to let them know prices/rates if individually they wish to have their beach raked. Individual owners would then contact Chris if they would like work to be done.

5. Dues Recommendations
After much discussion, it was decided to assess each household $25 this year. Last year's dues were never collected, so households should please send Chris Campbell (406 Appletree Point Road) $50 to cover last year (2018) and this year (2019). 

6. Old Business:
*Andy Kenney gave an Ash tree/ Emerald Ash Tree borer update. Individual homeowners will take care of their trees. The Ash Borer has made it into Chittenden County.
* Jeff Haig shared that electric lines will be buried by the middle of next year for parts of the roadway.  The plans are available on the Appletree Point website.

*Doug Campbell talked to the Fire Chief for Burlington and the last hydrant on the dirt road has a "medium" capability. With 1 mile of hose, the houses up to the end will be covered.
*The egress at the end of Cumberland Road can easily be opened up for access as each fire truck has a chainsaw that can open up the pathway in minutes.
*Kit Ardell will work on the Mission/Purpose statement for our association for next year's meeting.

7. New Business
We would like to honor Ann Conlin on her recent 90th birthday and Corinne  Mietta (a long time member) who is selling her property and donating the proceeds to charity.

8. Election of the board
Liz and Eric Miller made a motion to reinstate the present board for another year!  President: Jeff Haig; Treasurer, Christine Campbell; Secretary, Andy Kenney; Additional Board members-Kit Ardell, Shanta Eastman, Doug Campbell and Amanda Robbins (Reed). The motion was passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Andy Kenney, Secretary

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Electric Line Reconfiguration

Attached are the plans for the proposed electrical line changes. The work will not begin before mid-2020.

These files are all jpgs.